physics beyond = before standard model

Who am I

I grew up in Munich. I was interested in science and mathematics from an early age. I studied medicine and some physics on the side and became a radiologist. Then followed 35 years of professional work. A few years ago I was forced into retirement for health reasons. Back then, a colleague told me: “Everything has its good sides. Make the best of it.” I returned to my hobbies, especially physics. This was about 6 years ago.

As a child, I assembled airplanes with rubber engines. I was fascinated to see how a twisted rubber can be linear or a ball. That was topology, mathematics, physics and logic. Logic told me that physics must arise from natural numbers and not from theology. What we see is only one side of the coin.

I knew I couldn't keep up with the forefront of physics. My thought was: If after 350 years there is still no theory of everything, I have to go back in time. Why is it that people still believe in constants in physics? In order to solve this crime thriller, it is necessary to know the basics of current physics. I acquired most of my knowledge of physics when I was at school: matter, space and time from Wheyl and the Gerthsen from start to finish. During my studies I browsed through “Quantum Physics at a Glance (Weberruß)”. That's enough to have a say. The mathematical horizon of knowledge should extend to Feynman, i.e. to quantum field theory. Quantum chromophysics is work. It just shows that physics is going in the wrong direction.

So who made a mistake in thought: Feynmann? All physicists want to be like Feynman. No, that is far too short-sighted. Einstein and Bohr discussed things all night long. They knew that physics was still incomplete. The theories were each self-contained. There were bubbles in a vacuum, but not grounded. Schrödinger's cat bites its own tail. So only Newton remains. Newton deviated from the path of the philosophers. He saw a little light. Aha, I can calculate the path of a cannonball using a constant. At the time, this was the best shot. There is no question that Newton was an outstanding mathematician and Physicist. But Newton only combined 3 spatial, orthogarde coordinates into a single point: the center of gravity. Nobody has ever seen him! Information was lost. Democritus would have stepped on his toes. Democritus knew, purely through reflection, that it takes 3 different shapes to distinguish 3 spatial dimensions. Since then, physicists have continued to search for the center of gravity. Kepler was a contemporary of Newton. He built his laws out of circumstances. Kepler was the second quantum physicist after Democritus.

Democritus' 3 primary shapes (sphere, cone and cube) cannot be replaced by an algebraic formula. Ergo π, 1 und π-1 are the neutrinos ντ, νµ, νe and together form the center of gravity. With Ptolemy's worldview and the epicycles, the ancient philosophers essentially grasped everything about nature.

Who are you?

You are just as much an object as I am. I'm talking about your network, with about 1.3 kg mass. There is no significant difference. Are we one, two, three or even four dimensional? This is just a question of resolution. Where does the hype about dimensions come from? The solution is usually simple. Everything can be formulated one-dimensionally (x,y,z,t,-x,-y,-z,-t,x,y.....) and is man-made. This has to be the case because all physics can be simulated on a computer. We both create a local coordinate system with m, s. We need a third object (earth) as a reference, or a fourth if you are traveling in the car. Relatively speaking, we always move on circular arcs! There is not a single straight line in the universe. Why? Because the numbers are divided between past and future. What we recognize has already passed. You can't do physics with the future and zero.

Best regards

Helmut Schmidt